January 2020
Prime Minister Boris Johnson will hail Brexit day on Friday as "the dawn of a new era" and pledge to unite Britain in an address to the nation which he hopes will draw a line under years of angry debate over the European Union.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/3943OIH
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is preparing to impose full customs and border checks on all European goods entering the United Kingdom after Brexit, in an attempt to ramp up pressure on the bloc in trade talks, the Telegraph newspaper reported.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/37YqHwE
Landlocked Paraguay said on Friday that it had suspended indefinitely issuance of visas to people traveling from China because of the coronavirus outbreak centered in the city of Wuhan, Hubei province.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2tiZAh1
The United Kingdom finally cast off from the European Union on Friday for an uncertain future, with Brexiteers claiming victory and popping champagne corks for an "independence day" they said marked a new era for the country.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2tgjcSM
Singing patriotic songs and waving Union Jacks, thousands of Britons flocked to a muddy patch of grass outside parliament on a damp Friday night to toast their moment of history: Britain's departure from the European Union.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/31isNVY
On the last train to Europe before Britain left the EU on Friday evening, passengers leaving London expressed sorrow, optimism and anger, reflecting the emotions of a nation conflicted ahead its great leap into the unknown.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2S8yTE8
Nicaragua's best known former political prisoner, Amaya Coppens, is calling for international organizations to investigate alleged abuses by the government of President Daniel Ortega.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/36O3cVI
President Donald Trump on Friday relaxed Obama-era restrictions on the U.S. military's use of anti-personnel land mines, arguing that the previous policy could put American troops at a "severe disadvantage."

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2Oh3gqN
China's Hubei province, the epicentre of a coronavirus epidemic, reported 45 new deaths from the outbreak on Friday, bringing the total to 249, the local health commission said on Saturday.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/37Lfgs9
Reuters) - The Trump administration, while insisting the risk to Americans from coronavirus is low, nevertheless declared a public health emergency on Friday and announced the extraordinary step of barring entry to the United States of foreign nationals who have traveled to China.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/37NPKT8
The United Kingdom finally cast off from the European Union on Friday for an uncertain Brexit future, turning its back on post-World War Two attempts to unite the once warring nations of Europe into a global power.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/3b0qTNU
Airlines are suspending flights to China in the wake of the new coronavirus outbreak, which as of Friday had killed more than 200 people and infected nearly 10,000 people.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2RP9f8B
Some companies have warned that a coronavirus outbreak in China that has killed more than 200 people and infected thousands could disrupt supply chains or hurt bottom lines as factories and shops shut and airlines suspend flights.

from Reuters: World News https://ift.tt/2uNurTb